Lettuce Wrap Burger
Weekend of Protein Part 1 of 3
This afternoon Hubby and I went to Haring Brothers Meats to pick up some meat that will be used in a future post. While we were there we decided on dinner for the evening...burgers made from ground sirloin!
Haring Brothers menu above their order counter.
Cheeseburgers are my favorite food.
I eat about 1-3 burgers a week so I think I know what makes a great one. Hubby and I have even developed our own rating system where burgers are rated 1 to 5 Dickey's [my maiden name].
This burger tonight was 5 Dickeys for sure!
It's not that often I find a 5 Dickey burger. To keep my health in mind and in the on going quest to lose some pounds I went sans-bun tonight instead opting for Boston leaf lettuce to wrap my burger. Let me tell you it was every bit as satisfying as with the bun. WHAT? Did I just say that?! Well I never thought I would, but it's true I didn't miss the bread. It's definitely been an on-going journey of shutting up that little fat bitch in my tummy. I just keep on keeping on. Mess up with one meal or snack and decide to do better the rest of the day. I don't always make the right decision with food but I am actively thinking about it every time I do now. That in itself I see as a bit of a win! SO back to what you came here for; an amazing and delicious burger recipe!
Lettuce Wrap Burger
[Affilitate links below, they will give a
small commision at no charge to you]
Items Needed:
- 1 lbs Ground Sirloin
- 4 leaves Boston Lettuce
- Pickles
- 6 tbsp Sabra Spreads Honey Mustard (YUM!)
- Grill (or alternative cooking method)
- 2 tsp garlic powder
- 2 tsp onion powder
- 1 tsp pepper
- 1 tsp sea salt
- 1 tbsp McCormick Grill Mates Hamburger seasoning*
- 4 tbsp Montreal Burger & Steak Rub*
- 2 slices of your favorite cheese (I chose white cheddar tonight)
- Meat thermometer
*After trying many spice blends for red meat I highly recommend the two above. They both provide delicious taste and ease of use.
Recipe makes 2 burgers if you want them large!
The first step is to gather all of your ingredients, you'll want to double check you have everything before you get started! The worst is when you are partially through a delicious recipe when you realize that you need to make a grocery store run, UGH!
I often grab spices at the dollar store for a great discount!

- Tip from Jason -
(know as Hubby on HordAholic)
If you followed this recipe you probably have some pretty thick burgers. To be sure that these burgers are cooked properly it is wise to use a meat thermometer to ensure that your burgers have cooked through to at least 160 degrees fahrenheit. Safety in cooking is always priority!
Once the burger reached the
magic number of 160 degrees, it's time for cheese!
Our burgers took about 15 or so minutes to cook. Grab your cheese and lay it on the burger. Let the cheeseburgers cook for an additional 2-3 mins so the cheese can melt.
Once the cheese is melted bring the burgers in. Let the burger sit for at least two minutes. Cut the burger in half. Lay out the Boston lettuce leaves onto your plate. Place a pickle on each. Put each half burger into a leaf. Top it with Sabra Spreads Honey Mustard and ENJOY!
Tonight I paired my lettuce wrap
burger with a large bowl of applesauce.
The future is bright...
D. Hord
Left to right: Jason's Bacon topped Bacon BBQ Burger (yes, Bacon topped Bacon Burger!) with mayo & BBQ sauce with a side of macaroni salad. HordAholic's Lettuce Wrap Burger w. Sabra Speads Honey Mustard and a side of applesauce.
Jason's burger is Part 2 of The Weekend of Protein, STAY TUNED!